By: Emmanuel RoyNew York, New York – Donald Trump does not respect women. He is a renowned misogynist, who believes women are good for one thing and one thing only. He has been found liable for sexually assaulting at least one woman. He boasted about grabbing them by the pussy. The man is simply  incorrigible when it comes to women. He makes fun of their looks,  calling them derogatory names. Donald Trump is so anti-woman that it defies logic that any woman would want to vote for him. There is one woman that Donald Trump is deftly afraid of and her name is KAMALA HARRIS, the Vice President of the United States and a former prosecutor who is not shy about going after fraudsters and criminals like Donald Trump. Harris’ ascent to the top of the Democratic ticket sent shockwaves of excitement to the country and fears in Donald Trump’s heart that HARRIS is about to wipe the floor with him – literally. Within the first two weeks of her campaign for president HARRIS raised 350 million dollars and signed-up over 150 thousand volunteers. She brought a new energy into the campaign that even generation Z are interested and excited about the election. HARRIS is all over social media. You cannot swipe your Tik Tok or X or YouTube without seeing a video of HARRIS.At first pundits called it a honeymoon period, now after nearly a month, even Fox News is saying that the excitement is here to stay – a blue waive is coming to wash away the man with the orange hair. In the last three weeks, HARRIS has totally wiped out Trump’s lead and she is now leading in most battleground states and has created several pathways to 270 electoral votes needed to win the presidency. A little over three weeks after Biden’s withdrawal, there’s now a body of high-quality polling we can rely on. Harris is leading Donald Trump in some national polls and has cut into Trump’s lead in others. In a few key battleground states, she has outright overtaken Trump.Better, but still shy of where Democrats have been in recent elections. Biden won about 90 percent of Black voters and more than 60 percent of Latino voters in the 2020 election, but polls before his dropout put his numbers in the 60s among Black voters and sometimes even tied with Trump among Latinos. Harris, by contrast, was at 77 percent among Black voters and 58 percent among Hispanic voters in a recent NPR/PBS News/Marist College poll.So far, Harris has improved upon Biden’s margins among most demographics. But Biden had been somewhat more durable with white voters and seniors than his overall margins would have suggested — and it’s worth monitoring to see if Harris can keep these voters in the fold as she claws back the younger voters and voters of color.Biden’s slippage with Black and Latino voters, in particular, had all but cut off any path to an Electoral College majority through the two Sun Belt states he flipped in 2020: Arizona and Georgia.Harris has, for now, brought many of those voters back into the fold. And while Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin are still central to any strategy for 270 electoral votes, Harris’ numbers with voters of color give her multiple paths to get there, thanks to black women the backbone of the Democratic Party.North Carolina, which Trump won by 1 point in 2020 favors HARRIS. Both candidates will campaign there this week — Trump in Asheville on Wednesday, Harris in Raleigh on Friday and both Trump and the top super PAC backing his campaign recently launched their first ads in the state attacking HARRIS. When Trump was leading Biden by a mid-single-digit margin — multiple polls showed him ahead by 6 points — it opened up states like Minnesota, New Hampshire and Virginia. But those states are not going to be particularly competitive if Harris is ahead nationally by 3 points, as the current FiveThirtyEight polling average suggests.If the polls continue to favor HARRIS, we can expect to see a blue wave in November where HARRIS may win by a landslide, and that would be TRUMP’s biggest nightmare. To be beat by an older white dude is disappointing and to be beat by a woman would be POETIC JUSTICE. To donate to KAMALA HARRIS campaign please visit this Act blue link below. Give what you can.DONATE:HAITIAN AMERICANS FOR HARRIS: ACT BLUE. LETS GIVE TRUMP A NIGHTMARE.

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